Saturday, April 21, 2007


you should ALL do this!!!

Final Project

Final Project

You get to design your final project for the class. Review what you have learned and notice what has inspired you. You can pursue an idea that you have already begun to consider, expanding on it further, or you can follow a new idea. The project should fit in the time allotted-it should be something that has potential for an in depth visual exploration, but not something that will be impossible to complete within the time limits of the assignment. Make sure your project is about something that you really care about and feel invested in.

Consider methods of presentation as your ideas form. Think about making a book, making prints, zine, blog, curate a show, build a new camera. Keep in mind how you want the viewer to interact with the work- the presentation should fit the project.

This project should be well developed and experimental.

Feedback and individual meetings will be ongoing until the final critique.

The critiques will take place on: On the Last Day of Class

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

assignment with pinhole

make interesting images with your pinholes we are going to scan and print them in class so if you scan them at home make sure you have a decent resolution (300dpi @8x10).
We want you to be able to create a narrative-tell a story with your images.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Digital Alphabet

You all should be thinking about scanning 3d objects that would either look like or actually have letters of the
alphabet on them. as an example:(this is from Rob) i'm looking at objects in my immediate vicinity and
i see a small garrity brand flashlight that has a large G for it's logo. i would
scan the whole flash light and crop out the emphasized G in a way that would
show the object being scanned is in three dimensions. another example i see
is a small bedside clock that could be scanned face down and the circle that
makes up the clock face could be used as the O in my found alphabet. all the
small cropped images could be put together photoshop to create an amazing
larger piece with all 27 letters placed next to each other or in a grid
pattern. i guess it could be interesting to incorporate 2D paper as well.
The idea is to get creative with the scanner...the rest is up to you.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Check out the new class blogs I just posted-remember to bring your stuff to scan tomorrow-the photograph above is an image of a flower placed directly on a scanner taken by Katinka Matson-I added her site to the links.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Post 3rd class

I just noticed not everyone has put up a self portrait-get on that-remember a self portrait doesn't have to be of you. Anjie sent me an email reminding me that the image of your pinhole just needs to be SMALL (lo res) if 72dpi is confusing. Yes that's me with Snow White. Oh, and if your blog isn't on the "class blog" list send me an email.

3rd class

Take a 72 dpi image of your pinhole camera and upload it to your blog!
remember to shoot a bunch of pictures this weekend try shooting at night (very long exposure)